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Please help me save my brother

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I have a lifetime’s worth of reasons for wanting to save my brother Troy.

When I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis at age 14, Troy left high school, signed up for night classes and started working so that he could take me to physical therapy and help my mother out financially.

It was my brother’s help and reassurance through my long struggle that led me to get out of my wheelchair. He is my hero.

But as you know, the state of Georgia has set an execution date for Troy on September 21st, based on supposed evidence against him that does not exist.

But we believe that with God’s help, we will prevail.

Will you help us to continue to fight to save his life? I need you to reach out to the Georgia Board of Pardons and Parole one last time. Click on the link to watch at the video message I recorded for the NAACP, and follow the instructions to send your letter:

Last Thursday, Troy called to tell me he had just heard about the 660,000 petitions delivered to the Board of Pardons and Parole in his name. He was deeply moved. He told me he knew that had supporters around the world, but that he had no idea that the support was that widespread.

My family is so very appreciative of the support from NAACPers like you, but the fight is not over. We cannot let up now.

Twenty years ago, Troy’s conviction was based entirely on circumstantial evidence and witness testimony. In the past two decades, seven of the nine witnesses in his case have recanted their testimony or changed their stories.

There was never a shred of physical evidence or DNA connecting Troy to the crime. No murder weapon has ever been found. In fact, one of the jurors recently stated that if she knew then what she knows now about the case, she would never have sentenced Troy to death.

M A, I know that my love for my brother is not reason enough to take him off death row. It is not reason enough to stay his execution order.

But there is simply no evidence to suggest that Troy committed the crime. That’s why I am asking for help from NAACP members. You have come through for us before, and we need your help now more than ever.

This Monday, September 19th, the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles will meet to decide Troy’s fate. It is Troy’s last chance.

Please watch my video message to the NAACP, then tell the Board to stay Troy’s execution order and grant him clemency, because there is simply too much doubt:

Hundreds of thousands of people have already spoken out in the name of justice for Troy. On behalf of my family, I’m asking you to please add your voice today, and help us save my brother’s life.

Thank you,

Kimberly Davis

“Serious questions about Mr. Davis’ guilt, highlighted by witness recantations, allegations of police coercion, and a lack of relevant physical evidence, continue to plague his conviction,” Sessions wrote. He urged a state pardons board to commute the sentence to life in prison.
William S. Sessions, is a former federal district judge in Texas and FBI director under Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton

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Written by bostonred2014

18/09/2011 at 18:59

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